Tags used:

 date("G:i -m/d/y") - Gives the timestamp where,
    * G represents 24-hour format of hour without leading zeros
    * i represents Minutes with leading zeros
    * m represents Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
    * d represents Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
    * y represents A two digit representation of a year



    #calculate 60 days in the future: seconds * minutes * hours * days + current time
    #create cookie
    setcookie('last_visit',date("G:i -m/d/y"),$itm);
    #check if cookie exists
    if(isset($_COOKIE['last_visit'])) {
        echo "Your last visit was- " .$visit;
    else {
        #no cookies
        echo "You have some stale cookies!" ;


Steps for checking output-

  • Save the .php file in the folder /var/www
  • Change the file permission of the PHP file by running the command sudo chmod 777 9.php
  • Open a browser and in the address bar type localhost/9.php
  • The output is displayed on the browser with the last visit time. On sucessive refresh, the timestamp gets updated.

