Program 8: Write a Perl program to insert name and age information entered by the user into a table created using MySQL and to display the current contents of this table.

Setting up the database (MySQL):

  1. Open a terminal and run the command mysql
  2. In the MySQL prompt run show databases;
  3. Choose an existing database by running the command use test; where test is the name of an already existing database.
  4. Now, create a new table by running the command create table info(name varchar(20), age integer);
  5. Run the command exit to exit from the MySQL prompt.



<form action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/">
        Name:<input type=text name=name><br>
        Age:<input type=text name=age><br>
        <input type=submit value=submit />

 use CGI':standard';
 #import database module
 use DBI;
 #take inputs and store in local variables
 #connect takes parameter driver_name:database_name
 #this creates a database handle & stores it in $db
 $str=("insert into info values('$nm',$age)");
 #compiles the query and returns an object reference which is called statement handle
 #execute the query using statement handle
 $q=$db->prepare("select * from info");
      <table border=1>
 #obtain all the rows with matching patterns
while(($nm,$age)=$q->fetchrow()) {
print "<tr><td>$nm</td><td>$age</td></tr>";
 print "</table></html>";
 #release the statement handle & database handle


Steps for checking output-

  • Save the .html file in the folder /var/www/html
  • Save the .pl files in the folder /var/www/cgi-bin
  • Change the file permission of the perl file by running the command sudo chmod 777
  • Make sure the database is set before executing the program.
  • Open a browser and in the address bar type localhost/html/8.html
  • Input the name and age.
  • The output is displayed on the browser by storing the input in the database.
  • To check if the value is stored correctly in the database,
    • Open a terminal and run mysql
    • Run the command use test;
    • Run the command select * from info; for fetching all the inputs stored in the database.

