
Design, develop and execute a parallel program in C to determine and print the prime numbers which are less than 100 making use of algorithm of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.



  1. Start
  2. Input the value of n, from i=2 upto n store the value in an array.
  3. Set the number of threads.
  4. From k=2 to sqareroot of n When array element at k is not 0 For all multiples of k*k assign 0, increment k.
  5. From i=2 to n, Print the numbers of array which is not 0.
  6. Stop.



int main(void)

    int a[200];
    int n,i,k;

    printf("Enter the value of n:\n");
    scanf("%d",&n);  // Input value//

        a[i]=i;  //Storing the number into array upto n//

    omp_set_num_threads(5); //Setting up threads//
        #pragma omp parallel for private(i)
        for(i=k*k;i<=n;i=i+k)  //Assigning 0 to multiples// 
              printf("\nThread id=%d makes %d position zero",omp_get_thread_num(),i);                
    printf("\nPrime numbers are \n");
        printf("%d\t",a[i]); //Printing prime numbers//


    return 0;


gcc prime.c -fopenmp -lm


Enter the value of n:  25

Thread id=0 makes 4 position zero

Thread id=3 makes 22 position zero

Thread id=3 makes 24 position zero

Thread id=0 makes 6 position zero

Thread id=0 makes 8 position zero

Thread id=1 makes 10 position zero

Thread id=1 makes 12 position zero

Thread id=1 makes 14 position zero

Thread id=2 makes 16 position zero

Thread id=2 makes 18 position zero

Thread id=2 makes 20 position zero

Thread id=0 makes 9 position zero

Thread id=0 makes 12 position zero

Thread id=1 makes 15 position zero

Thread id=1 makes 18 position zero

Thread id=2 makes 21 position zero

Thread id=2 makes 24 position zero

Thread id=0 makes 25 position zero

Prime numbers are

2   3   5   7   11  13  17  19  23