
Write a yacc program that accepts a regular expression as input and produce its parse tree as output.


Yacc- Yet another C Compiler defines what it is all by itself. Computer program input generally has some structure; in fact, every computer program that does input can be thought of as defining an ``input language'' which it accepts. An input language may be as complex as a programming language, or as simple as a sequence of numbers. Unfortunately, usual input facilities are limited, difficult to use, and often are lax about checking their inputs for validity.

Yacc provides a general tool for describing the input to a computer program. The Yacc user specifies the structures of his input, together with code to be invoked as each such structure is recognized. Yacc turns such a specification into a subroutine that han- dles the input process; frequently, it is convenient and appropriate to have most of the flow of control in the user's application handled by this subroutine.

Every Yacc specification file consists of three sections: the declarations, (grammar) rules, and programs. The sections are separated by double percent ``%%'' marks. (The percent % is generally used in Yacc specifications as an escape character.) In other words, a full specification file looks like


The declaration section may be empty. Moreover, if the programs section is omitted, the second %% mark may be omitted also;thus,the smallest legal Yacc specification is


The following command:

        yacc grammar.y

draws yacc rules from the grammar.y file, and places the output in

The following command: yacc -d grammar.y functions the same as example 1, but it also produces the file which would contain C-style #define statements for each of the tokens defined in the grammar.y file.


  1. Start
  2. Accept an expression from the user.
  3. Check for the structure that satisfies the conditions of a regular expression.
  4. Print the parsed tree as output as when the conditions are satisfied.
  5. End


%{/*declaration part*/
#define MAX 100 /*to store productions*/
int getREindex ( const char* );
signed char productions[MAX][MAX];
int count = 0 , i , j;
char temp[200] , temp2[200];
%left '|'
%left '.'
%nonassoc '*' '+'
%%/*rules section*/
S : re '\n' { 
printf ( "This is the rightmost derivation--\n" );
for ( i = count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) {
    if ( i == count - 1 ) {
        printf ( "\nre => " );
        strcpy ( temp , productions[i] );
        printf ( "%s" , productions[i] );
    else {
        printf ( "\n => " );
        j = getREindex ( temp );    
        temp[j] = '\0';
        sprintf ( temp2 , "%s%s%s" , temp , productions[i] , (temp + j + 2) );
        printf ( "%s" , temp2 );
        strcpy ( temp , temp2 );
printf ( "\n" );
exit ( 0 ); 
re : ALPHABET { 
temp[0] = yylval; temp[1] = '\0';
strcpy ( productions[count++] , temp );/*copy the input to the prodcution array*/
}/*only conditions defined here will be valid, this is the structure*/
| '(' re ')' /*adds the (expression) to the production array*/
{ strcpy ( productions[count++] , "(re)" ); }
| re '*'     
{ strcpy ( productions[count++] , "re*" ); }
| re '+' /*adds expression+ type to the production array*/
{ strcpy ( productions[count++] , "re+" ); }
| re '|' re /*adds the expression|expression to the production array*/
{strcpy ( productions[count++] , "re | re" );}
| re '.' re/*adds the expression.expression to the production array*/ 
{strcpy ( productions[count++] , "re . re" );}
int main ( int argc , char **argv ) 
Parse and output the rightmost derivation,
from which we can get the parse tree 
    yyparse();/*calls the parser*/
    return 0;

yylex() /*calls lex and takes each character as input and feeds ALPHABET to check for the structure*/
    signed char ch = getchar(); 
    yylval = ch;
    if ( isalpha ( ch ) )
        return ALPHABET;
    return ch;

yyerror() /*Function to alert user of invalid regular expressions*/
    fprintf(stderr , "Invalid Regular Expression!!\n");
    exit ( 1 );

int getREindex ( const char *str ) 
    int i = strlen ( str ) - 1;
    for ( ; i >= 0 ; --i ) {
        if ( str[i] == 'e' && str[i-1] == 'r' )
        return i-1;


Commands for execution

  • Open a terminal
  • Change your directory to the location of the file
  • Run, yacc -d filename.y
  • Run, cc
  • An output file a.out is created.
  • Run, ./a.out to execute the program.


ScreenShot of Output